Wednesday 9 July 2014

The future of wireless gaming : The MYO-Armband by Thalmic Labs

Today, instead of talking about conventional game reviews like we usually do. I would like to share an upcoming technology which could completely change the world of gaming.

As how wearable gadgets has become a trend recently, there has been a new contender in this rapid growing market. Introducing the MYO-Armband, a wearable gadget which is able to control your computer wirelessly.

Using a unique muscular sensing technology, its first version is able to control its paired device up to 20 gestures of your arm and hands. It communicates with the devices via Bluetooth 4.0 Low Energy. The potential of this gadget has expaded from home multimedia usage to even gaming applications.  In addition, with Oculus Rift, the upcoming  Virtual Technology gadgets. We would be looking at the nex-gen world of gaming.

Created by Thalmic Labs, a Canadian startup company by a group of mechatronics graduate from the University of Waterloo. The organization has secured $14.5 million in support for the development of MYO-armband . 

Besides that, this jedi-like product has actually attracted over 30,000 pre-orders from 138 countries while bringing more than $4 million in manufacturing. As with the hype of interest by tech enthusiast , we would be seeing MYO will be shipping in early 2014 and costs $149.

Do have a look at the video below to see how cool it looks!

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